Jesus is Life Giving

Andrew Bondurant

Jesus is Life-Giving.

Family Ministries Pastor Andrew Bondurant teaches this week from the seventh chapter of John's Gospel. This week, we see thqt Jesus attended the Festival of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.

During this festival, the Israelites celebrated the fact that God provided for them as they wandered the desert for 40 years after leaving Egypt, and each day of the festival they observed a rite that reminded them of the way God provided water for them.

On the last day of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted what to many people sounded like a preposterous claim. He said that anyone that believed in Him would have "rivers of living water flowing from within them." This symbolized the outpouring of God's Spirit, and is an incredible picture of life, of fulfillment, and of God providing deep satisfaction. In this profound statement made by Jesus, we see that He is truly "life-giving."
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