Who Are We? - Crossroads' Strategy
God's Church has a mission: to BE Disciples that MAKE Disciples. Crossroads' vision for fulfilling that mission is to be a church that Lives and Loves like Jesus. So the next question that follows is: "How do we do that?"
That's where STRATEGY comes in... To follow Jesus by living and loving like Him, we must know Him. This comes to pass as we SPEND TIME WITH HIM. We also need the aid of others around us (and we need to help them); we've seen time and again that TRANSFORMATION HAPPENS BEST IN COMMUNITY, and God provides the ultimate example for us in His triune being. We must also GO. We've got to take the Gospel into all of the World, as Jesus exhibited while He was on Earth, and as we have been commanded. Put plainly, we Live and Love like Jesus by Being with God, Being with Others, and Being Sent. It's a simple strategy with profound implications.