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Generous Like Jesus
By following the teachings and example of Jesus, we can become generous with all God has entrusted to us and find joy, peace, and fulfillment.

Generous Like Jesus: Priorities

Phil Heller

Generous Like Jesus: Principles

Phil Heller
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The Heart of Worship
Worship is our response to who God is and all He has done. We should worship God in everything we do because worship is a lifestyle.

The Heart Of Worship: Worship Is Evangelistic

Phil Heller

The Heart Of Worship: Worship Is Formative

Phil Heller

The Heart Of Worship: Worship Is Horizontal/Communal

Ryan King

The Heart Of Worship: Worship is Vertical

Phil Heller
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O Come Emmanuel
Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT prophecies both in in His first coming and in His return. We want to celebrate His arriving and long for His return.

O Come Emmanuel: The Way and the Key

Chuck Elliott

O Come Emmanuel: Light of the World

Phil Heller

O Come Emmanuel: Branch and the Tree

Andrew Bondurant

O Come Emmanuel: Lord Of Might

Phil Heller

O Come Emmanuel: Wisdom and the Word

Phil Heller

O Come Emmanuel: Emmanuel and Exile

Phil Heller
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Vision Sunday 2024
Each year, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we celebrate our annual Vision Sunday, during which we look back at the amazing things God has accomplished in and through Crossroads' church family during the previous year. We also look ahead and cast a vision for the wonderful things we feel God calling us toward in the coming year.

Vision Sunday 2024

Phil Heller
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This Is Not Our Home

This Is Not Our Home: God of All History

Phil Heller

This Is Not Our Home: A Greater Battle

Andy Teare

This Is Not Our Home: Prayer Of Repentance

Phil Heller

This Is Not Our Home: Now And Not Yet

Phil Heller

This Is Not Our Home: A World Of Conflict

Ryan King

This Is Not Our Home: Faith Without Compromise

John Heflick

This Is Not Our Home: Guided by Faith not Pride

Phil Heller

This is Not Our Home: Faithfulness Under Pressure

Phil Heller

This is Not Our Home: True Wisdom and It’s Source

Andrew Bondurant

This is Not Our Home: Making Our Home in a Distant Land

Phil Heller
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Spiritual Practices
The desire for God has always been linked to intentional practices and experiences that give people space in their lives to "keep company with Jesus." The desire to know and love God fuels these disciplines. Keeping company with Jesus requires us to learn the "unforced rhythms of grace" and opens us up wide to God.

Spiritual Practices: Fasting

Andrew Bondurant

Spiritual Practices: Prayer

Phil Heller

Spiritual Practices: Treasuring God's Word

Ryan King

Spiritual Practices: Sabbath

Phil Heller
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We Were Made For This
Being who God created us to be brings unity, community, maturity, and togetherness as we fulfill who we were made to be as God’s church.

We Were Made For Working Together

Andy Teare

We Were Made For Growth/Maturity

Phil Heller

We Were Made For Using Our Gifts

Andrew Bondurant

We Were Made For Unity

Phil Heller
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Slow Your Role
We all have a contribution to make! God brings health to our shared experience as we live out the calling he has given to each of us.

We all need to slow down, and examine the Biblical instructions we have been given. We must bring our full selves into these God-ordained roles, relationships, and responsibilities.

Wisdom, A Grandparent's Greatest Responsibility

Phill Heller

Teaching and Training, A Father's Greatest Responsibility

Phill Heller

Maturity, a Sibling's Greatest Responsibility

Ryan King

Submission, A Wife's Greatest Responsiblity

Phil Heller

Love, A Husband's Greatest Responsiblity

Andy Teare

Honor, A Child's Greatest Responsiblity

Phil Heller

Nurturing, A Mother's Greatest Responsiblity

Phil Heller
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What's Your Story?
We all have a story.  If you are a follower (disciple) of Jesus, that story includes God’s grace, salvation, hope, peace, and even purpose!  And... your story is part of God’s greater story.

Paul, Silas, and the Philippian Jailer

Jeremy Stevenson

Paul and Lydia

Phil Heller

Peter and Cornelius

Phil Heller

Saul and Ananias

Andy Teare

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Phil Heller
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In HIS Steps
By tracing HIS footsteps through the pressure-packed moments of HIS last days in Jerusalem, and examining HIS interactions, we have a unique opportunity to see how Jesus lived and loved, how HE exhibited humility and determination; how HE gave us the perfect example of what it means to surrender and sacrifice. Then, as we follow His footsteps from the grave and beyond, we see how and why we celebrate and have joy!

Easter 2024 | The Road to Emmaus and the Disciples' Celebration | Phil Heller

Phil Heller

Golgotha and Jesus' Sacrifice

Andrew Bondurant

The Garden and Jesus' Surrender

Phil Heller

The Last Supper and Jesus' Resolve

Ryan King

The Triumphal Entry and Jesus' Humility

Phil Heller
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What Do We Believe?
Knowing who we are and how we fit into God's plan for His church is important. But, it is also important that we know what we believe!

Understanding our core beliefs enables us to seek clarity from the Bible and know God’s heart and desire for us. From this foundation, we can teach, rebuke, correct, and train ourselves and others in righteousness so we are all thoroughly equipped for every good work!


Phil Heller


Phil Heller

The Bible

Phil Heller

God - The Trinity

Dwight Silvera
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Who are We?
What did God have in mind when the church was born? What did Jesus envision when He said, “I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it?” And… is that the same idea we are chasing today as we participate in the church?

Who Are We? - Crossroads Membership

Phil Heller

Who Are We? - Crossroads' Strategy

Phil Heller

Who Are We? - Crossroads' Vision

Andrew Bondurant

Who Are We? - God's Mission for the Church

Phil Heller
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The Heart of Christmas
There's a sense of flourishing in the people we encounter in the arrival of Jesus to our world. Each one takes a step towards Jesus in faith and in trust of God's plan being revealed.

We would do well to follow their example as we abide in Jesus. We will see our lives flourish as a result.

Reflecting - Mary

Ryan King

Worshiping - The Wise Men

Phil Heller

Sharing - The Shepherds

Andrew Bondurant

Pursuing - The Shepherds

Phil Heller

Surrendering - Mary

Phil Heller

Trusting - Joseph

Phil Heller
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Vision Sunday 2023
Each year, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, we celebrate our annual Vision Sunday, during which we look back at the amazing things God has accomplished in and through Crossroads' church family during the previous year. We also look ahead and cast a vision for the wonderful things we feel God calling us toward in the coming year.
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Encounter - Missions Week 2023
We aren't just called to engage with people who are different from us... We are commissioned to seek them out, and in our encounters with them, to share the good news of God's Kingdom and grow together as His disciples!

God's design for us is to have fellowship with Him as a unified, global church family, loving one another as He has loved us.

Stumbling Toward God's Call

Matthew Philip

Beginning with the End in Mind

Phil Heller
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The Abiding Life
God created us to live in a close relationship with Him and one another. He has given us a mission, a purpose. This is THE ABIDING LIFE.

God inspired John to write about what life looks like when we ABIDE in Him. We can find confidence in living this way! 1 John gives us evidence of our abiding, that we can look for in our lives:

Believing the truth about Jesus Christ.

Obeying God’s commands.

Loving fellow believers.

Those who claim to abide in Jesus must live as Jesus did (1 John 2:6). Abiding sets us free to live in the light and live an active faith which is evidenced in what we believe, how we live, and how we love.

That you May Know

Phil Heller

Waging Spiritual Warfare

Phil Heller

Captivated and Compelled

Phil Heller

Anti-Christ or Child of God?

Jeremiah Roop

Confidence in the Abiding Life

Phil Heller

Life in the Light

Andy Teare

Created for Eternal Life and Everlasting Love

Phil Heller
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Elijah said "yes" to God's call, and trusted His plan. He relied on God for meeting his daily needs and guiding his steps. Elijah and God had an intimate relationship, and he was strengthened by his communion with God and community with others. Elijah wasn't perfect but he was faithful.

If God had a place for Elijah in His mission, then we can be confident that there is a fit for every one of us, as well.

Elijah - Find your Fit Stories

Mark Whited, Todd Neff, Teresa Fruit

Elijah - God Ministers

Phil Heller

Elijah - God Works

Bill Altman

Elijah - God's Provision

Phil Heller

Elijah - God's Call

Phil Heller
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Be With One Another
The world around us is plagued with isolation, conflict, hatred, and superficiality. We feel alone, attacked, hurt, and taken advantage of. Is that really what God had in mind when he said “it’s not good for man to be alone?”

The Bible is filled with instructions of how we can relate to one another. As followers of Jesus, we are called to a high standard of how we live with one another and the world around us.

Live in Harmony with One Another

Phil Heller

Confess to One Another

Phil Heller

Do Not Judge One Another

Phil Heller

Submit to One Another

Chris Chaudoin

Serve One Another

Andrew Bondurant

Forgive One Another

Andrew Bondurant

Bear With One Another

Phil Heller

Encourage One Another

Phil Heller

Love One Another

Andy Teare
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What Happens When I Die?
We can trust the words of Jesus:

”...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you
to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
John 14:3 (NIV)

Learning to ABIDE here on earth prepares us to be with God forever in eternity.

We must understand how to live now in light of the work Jesus has done. Our goal is not just to be more informed, so we can win the arguments or debates that arise around the topic of death. Our goal is to share the message of God's eternal kingdom, and the hope to be found in our future with Him... and to live for what really matters.

What Happens When I Die? - How Shall I Now Die?

Andrew Bondurant

What Happens When I Die? - How Now Shall I Live?

Phil Heller

What Happens When I Die? - Eternal Security

Phil Heller

What Happens When I Die? - Hell

Ryan King

What Happens When I Die? - Heaven

Phil Heller

What Happens When I Die? - Judgement

Phil Heller

What Happens When I Die? - The Return of Jesus

Phil Heller
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I am Most Like Jesus When...
In this series, we focus on the final days of Jesus' time here on Earth. During this time, Jesus displayed some of His most powerful expressions of living and loving... you could say He "saved the best for last!"

We are most like Jesus when...

I am Most Like Jesus When I LIVE AGAIN

Phil Heller
Easter Sunday

I am Most Like Jesus When I DIE TO MYSELF

Andrew Bondrant

I am Most Like Jesus When I AM COURAGEOUS

Phil Heller

I am Most Like Jesus When I DEPEND ON GOD

Phil Heller

I am Most Like Jesus When I CHOOSE MERCY

Jeremiah Roop

I am Most Like Jesus When I SERVE

Phil Heller
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As Jesus was preparing to leave this world, he shared some of the most important lessons he wanted to pass on to his disciples .  He told them plainly to ABIDE in him by nurturing a deep relationship with God, loving others the way He had loved them, and by fulfilling the mission for which He had chosen them. 

Life is complex, complicated, and even chaotic when we are left to our own devices. Sin, certainly, is the source of all that opposes the life God created us to have and that He sent Jesus to bring.

His instructions are clear and relevant to us (his followers) even today.  We must learn to ABIDE by being with God, being with others, and being sent.  

ABIDE - Engaging in God's Mission

Phil Heller and Mark Whited

ABIDE - Fostering a Sincere Love for Others

Phil Heller and Aislin Carter

ABIDE - Nurturing an Enduring Intimacy with God

Ryan King

ABIDE - Remaining Connected to the Vine

Phil Heller
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Overcoming Apathy
Many of us are feeling lethargic emotionally and spiritually. But, before we can figure out where we are going, we must recognize why we can't stay where we are.

Regardless of the circumstances we might be facing, we can have joy. Paul, from confinement, wrote to the Philippians and encouraged them to not be satisfied or stuck in place, but to remain unified, to keep learning, growing, and living out their faith.

The Church has Hurt Me

Phil Heller

What I Do Monday-Saturday Doesn't Matter

Phil Heller and Chuck Proudfit

The Christian Life is Too Hard

Andy Teare

My Faith is not Relevant to My Life

Phil Heller
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Abide (New Year's 2023)

Abide--New Year's 2023

Paul Linge, Meghan Larson, Ben Wallace, Tanner Simoneaux
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Signs and Wonders

God is Still With Us

Alexa Rohlman, Jeremiah Roop, Phil Heller

God Still Works Through Us

Andrew Bondurant

God Still Provides for Us

Phil Heller

God Still Guides Us

Phil Heller

God Still Speaks to Us

Phil Heller
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Vision Sunday 2022
In November we pause, and thank God for all He has done the prior 12 months. This year, we look forward to what He is going to do in the following year, as we abide in Him!

Vision Sunday November 2022

Phil Heller, Ryan King, Aislin Carter, Mark Whited
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Generosity According to Jesus
It's very important we understand that being a faithful steward and living generously has to do with much more than just money! Our everyday choices dictate what we do, not just with every dollar, but also with every opportunity we have to use our time, talents, skills and other gifts.

How does the life and death of Jesus inform our expressions of generosity? Come and find out!

GA2J - Overjoyed - The Sinful Woman

Ryan King

GA2J - Surrendered - The Rich Young Ruler

Phil Heller

GA2J - Wholehearted - Parable of the Widow's Mites

Ryan King

GA2J - Principled - Parable of the Talents

Phil Heller
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Paul's Letter to the Romans
The book of Romans is a powerful theological work in the form of a letter to the Christians in Rome. It equips them, and us, to have a clear picture of God and understand our relationship with Him. It helps us discover how to live out our faith, by living on mission and through true community with the people of God.

Romans 14-16 - Life in Community

Phil Heller

Romans 12-13:7 - Living Sacrifices

Phil Heller

Romans 9-11 - What About God's Chosen People?

Andrew Bondurant

Romans 8 - More than Conquerors

Andy Teare

Romans 8 - Good 'Nuff

Jeremiah Roop

Romans 7 - Why I Do What I Do

Phil Heller

Romans 6 - Dead to Sin Alive in Christ

Phil Heller

Romans 3 - Righteousness through Faith

Andrew Bondurant

Romans 2 - The Reality of our Relationship with God

Andrew Bondurant

Romans 1 - The State of Humanity, and God's Good News

Phil Heller
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Real Love
If all of life is curated so that it’s advancing an agenda, how do we know what's real? When we love our neighbors, how do we avoid looking and sounding more like a social media post than an authentic Jesus-follower? In other words, what does Living and Loving like Jesus look like in our world today?

In this series, we’re going to explore what REAL LOVE looks like. We will learn how to follow Jesus’ example and not fall prey to the casual, short-lived, curated love that surrounds us.

Real Love, God's Spirit in Action

Mark Whited

Real Love, Philoxenia

Matthew Philip

Real Love, Shalom

John Hefflick

Real Love, Hesed

Phil Heller
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Q and A
Life is filled with so many twists, turns, challenges, and questions that it is often hard to know which way is up or which way to turn. It can feel overwhelming to be surrounded by so much information and so many options; we are in danger of becoming paralyzed, with no way to determine our next steps. But, God has provided us wisdom through His words (recorded for us in the Bible). By seeking truth and direction from Him, we find peace and confidence to navigate life.

What Does the Bible Say About Mental Health, Depression and Suicide?

Phil Heller

What Does the Bible Say About Sexuality, Identity and Gender?

Phil Heller

What Does the Bible Say About the Origin and Value of Life?

Phil Heller

What Does the Bible Say about Sin?

Phil Heller

What Does the Bible Say about God's Sovereignty and Human Suffering?

Phil Heller
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The Jesus I Never Knew
Who Is Jesus? History, art, and literature have all tried to capture just who Jesus is and have portrayed him in a variety of ways. By making a sincere attempt to understand his true identity, we can make an informed decision about his relevance to our lives and respond in faith as we attempt to live and love like him.

The Kingdom of Jesus

Phil Heller

The Mission of Jesus

Ryan King

The Miracles of Jesus

Phil Heller

The Teachings of Jesus

Phil Heller

The Temptation of Jesus

Andrew Bondurant

The Incarnation of Jesus

Phil Heller

The Resurrection of Jesus

Phil Heller
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Gen WE
There is a discipleship crisis in the church today and we are not exempt. Multiple studies show that 40 to 50 percent of youth group seniors drift from God after they graduate high school (Growing Young, 17). There are a number of factors that play a role in this, but we believe that when the church and families come together, we can reverse this trend and effective change will take place!

God has designed the church and family to work together to disciple the next generation. So, what does it look like for every one of us to embrace our shared call to this mission? What does it look like to truly be "Generation WE?"

Commitment Sunday

Phil Heller, Alexa Rohlman, Jeremiah Roop

Celebrate Spiritual Milestones


Making the Most of the Moment

Andrew Bondurant


Andrew Bondurant

Modeling Authenticity

Phil Heller

Generational Discipleship

Andrew Bondurant
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Love your ___ Neighbor
Throughout this series of teachings, we will identify barriers we may encounter in loving those that are different from us. We will be equipped with Biblical principles and other tools to help us identify blind spots and navigate the proper way to cross social, cultural, religious, and political barriers so we can truly “Love our ________ neighbor!”

Love your _____ Neighbor, Sacrificially

John Hefflick

Loving your Hurting Neighbor

Marcellus Barnes

Loving your _____ Neighbor Requires Introspection

Phil Heller

Love your ____Neighbor, as EQUALS

Phil Heller
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Being with God leads us to an ever-increasing understanding of God’s character, and who He is.

The Book of Psalms is a collection of songs, prayers and poems that reflect the character of God.
We can be inspired by this wonderful book to encounter God in ways similar to those of its authors, and see for ourselves that He is sovereign, faithful, gracious, just, and worthy of our worship.

Psalms - Week Five - God is Worthy of our Praise

Crossroads Worship

Psalms - Week Four - God is Just

Phil Heller

Psalms - Week Three - God is Gracious

Andrew Bondurant

Psalms - Week Two - God is Faithful

Andy Teare

Psalms - Week One - God is Sovereign

Phil Heller
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Good News
We could all use some GOOD NEWS!

Jesus came into the world at a point in history that parallels some of the same struggles we are facing today, and people were strengthened, encouraged, and overjoyed.

This good news is too good to keep to ourselves. We must celebrate and share the GOOD NEWS found in Jesus with the world!

Good News for the World

Andrew Bondurant

Good News for the Expectant

Phil Heller

Good News for the Overlooked

Phil Heller

Good News for the Submitted

Andy Teare

Good News for the Faithful and Forgotten

Phil Heller
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Vision Sunday 2021
In November we pause, and thank God for all He has done the prior 12 months. We also look forward to what He is going to do in the following year, as He leads us!

Vision Sunday

Phil Heller
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On Mission
We all want our lives to matter. Even more, we want the way we spend each moment to matter, and to result in joy—both for ourselves and for those around us.

Did you know that you are uniquely designed (fearfully and wonderfully made) by God, to fulfill the purpose He has intended for you? So… what if you could experience life not as “something to survive,” but as a series of opportunities to fulfill your God-given purpose and to be on mission with Him?

On Mission - On Mission In My Neighborhood

Bill Altman

On Mission - On Mission In My Family

Phil Heller

On Mission - On Mission In My Work

Panel Discussion

On Mission - On Mission with My Whole Life

Ross Chapman
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Acts of the Holy Spirit

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Athens- Informed by the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Antioch- Sent by the Holy Spirit

Mark Whited

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Peter- Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Andrew Bondurant

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Paul - Transformed by the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Stephen -Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Radical Community -Experienced through the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller

Acts of the Holy Spirit - Radical Community -Experienced through the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller
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The Roadmap
God has called us as a congregation to live and love like Jesus. It is something we are doing collectively AND must happen individually. This call is not unique to us- it is why each person was created in the image of God, saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As we attempt to become all God created us to be, we recognize that living and loving like Jesus involves being with God, being with others, and being sent. While these three movements are not linear nor a destination, they are each part of the journey of following Jesus as our Savior and Lord.

The Roadmap - Be Sent

Phil Heller, Andrew Bondurant

The Roadmap - Be with Others

Phil Heller, Aislin Carter

The Roadmap - Be with God

Phil Heller, Jeremy Lalk

The Roadmap - Overview

Phil Heller
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People of a Faithful God
Have you ever felt that you are swimming upstream? You are not alone! Throughout the course of history, God’s people have always been called to live counter-culturally, to be faithful to God no matter what the rest of the world chooses to believe or how it chooses to behave.

Throughout the Bible we read about people like Abraham, Nehemiah, Daniel, Ruth, Elijah and Esther and see their faithfulness in difficult times. While this faithfulness demonstrates great commitment, resolve, and courage, it is even more a testimony to the faithfulness of God who continues to guide, shepherd, and empower his people to live lives that please Him. By learning from their life stories, we should be inspired and equipped to be faithful to God no matter what!

People of a Faithful God - Esther

Phil Heller

People of a Faithful God - Elijah

Jeremy Lalk

People of a Faithful God - Ruth

Andy Teare

People of a Faithful God - Daniel

Phil Heller

People of a Faithful God - Nehemiah

Ali Roohi

People of a Faithful God - Abraham

Phil Heller
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Pray Like Jesus
One of the biggest misconceptions about prayer, though it would rarely be qualified as such, is that God is "out there somewhere," and our job is to go out and find him, hoping He might listen to our pleading and maybe even respond.  The reality, however, is that as much as we long for the presence and attention of God, He longs for our presence and attention even more!

Prayer, then, is not an obligation on the list of things necessary to be a "good Christian"; it's an invitation to know Him—truly know Him—and bring Him our joy and pain, our anger and affection. This invitation is not reserved for the "Super-Christians." It's both fundamental to the life of every believer and is far more accessible than we could ever know!

Pray Like Jesus - Simple Prayer

Jeremy Lalk

Pray Like Jesus - Contemplative Prayer

Jeremy Lalk

Pray Like Jesus - The Prayer of Petition and Intercession

Phil Heller

Pray Like Jesus - The Prayer of Adoration

Phil Heller

Pray Like Jesus - The Lord's Prayer

Phil Heller
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Questions about Christianity abound: What does it mean to be “Christian”? Why are there so many different types of Christians that seem to believe in very different things? Who should I listen to if I want to learn more about Christianity? Why would I want to be a Christian? How do I become a Christian, and what do I have to do once I am one? What do I need to know if I want to tell someone else about Christianity?

These are all foundational questions. They existed in the 1st century and persist here in the 21st. One of the early Church leaders, Paul, addressed each of these questions in a letter he wrote to young churches in Laodicea and Colossae. This Biblical book, called Colossians, was written as a “foundations course” for new Christians. It addresses the central message (called the Good News, or “Gospel”) of Christianity, the humanity and the Godliness of Jesus Christ, the identity of those that believe in and follow him, how we are to live our lives as Christians, and how following Him impacts our relationships with other people.

It’s vital that we understand these foundational aspects of the Christian walk as we grow in Christ and live a life worthy of and pleasing to Him.

Discipleship 101 - Part 2

Phil Heller

Discipleship 101 - Part 1

Brian Gower

Identity 101

Andy Teare

Jesus 101

Phil Heller

Gospel 101

Phil Heller
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Easter at Crossroads 2021
Jesus is ALIVE, and He brings eternal life to everyone that believes in Him!

As a church family, we have been seeking what it truly means to Live and Love Like Jesus. On Easter Sunday, we see that Jesus brings LIFE and JOY and HOPE to a dying world. He brings eternal life to everyone that believes in Him.

Easter at Crossroads 2021

Phil Heller
April 4, 2021
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The Kingdom
When we truly allow Jesus to be our Lord, it changes how we live and how we love. It also changes the world around us – it restores both our lives and our world to how God created them to be. Put simply, the Kingdom of God is about:

God’s reign through God’s people over God’s place.

Praying “your kingdom come” asks God’s gracious reign to invade the sin-corrupted spaces of our lives and world. 

The Kingdom - Sojourners and Exiles

Andrew Bondurant

The Kingdom - Sons and Daughters

Phil Heller

The Kingdom - Pursuing Justice

Phil Heller and Discussion Panel

The Kingdom - Seeking Community - Crossroads West Campus

Matt Volkman

The Kingdom - Seeking Community

Phil Heller

The Kingdom - Following Jesus

Phil Heller

The Kingdom - The Majestic in the Mundane

Jeremy Lalk

The Kingdom - An Unmatchable King

Phil Heller

The Kingdom - A Master Narrative

Phil Heller
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Words of Wisdom
Does the world seem to be shifting under your feet? As you try to grab hold of something you can place your trust in, thousands of voices clamor for your attention through traditional and social media outlets. Every voice claims to have the information you need to make the day-to-day decisions that will see you through the storm.

But information is only as good as its source. How can you possibly validate all the information that is at your fingertips? What you really need is WISDOM.

God’s Word is the best source of wisdom for all of life. The book of Proverbs contains principles and promises that are the key to healthy relationships, enjoying our work, managing our finances, clear communication, and more. The words of wisdom that are laid out in this book help us navigate life with confidence!

Words of Wisdom - WORK

Panel Discussion Led by Phil Heller, Andrea Croslyn and Ross Chapman

Words of Wisdom - WORDS

Mark Whited

Words of Wisdom - FAMILY

Nick Ballard

Words of Wisdom - FAMILY - West Campus

Dwight Silvera and Kelli Ward

Words of Wisdom - FINANCES

Phil Heller

Words of Wisdom - FINANCES - West Campus

Matt Volkman

Words of Wisdom - WISDOM

Phil Heller
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Christmas Eve 2020
Guided by the Spirit of God, prophets in the past foretold of the coming of a Savior. This Savior–the Messiah, He came as a baby, a child, a new life!

Can you imagine the excitement, the anticipation, and the joy that comes with the announcement of the birth of a child? Join us this Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and the life and love the world has in Him!

Christmas Eve at Crossroads

Life | Phil Heller

Christmas Eve with Crossroads West and Nazarene Missionary Baptist Church

Jesus is Good News of Great Joy
Reverend Larry Rascoe and Matt Volkman
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He Appeared
The five themes of hope, peace, faith, joy, love and life that are celebrated throughout the Christmas season are also present within the last two chapters of John’s Gospel.

Over the course of this series, we will look at how each of these themes is represented through significant appearances: those of the resurrected Christ in John chapters 19 and 20, and several appearances (not the least of which is the birth of Jesus!) as recorded in the Christmas story.

He Appeared | LOVE

Phil Heller

He Appeared | JOY

Phil Heller

He Appeared | FAITH

Andy Teare

He Appeared | FAITH - West Campus

Matt Volkman

He Appeared | PEACE

Andrew Bondurant

He Appeared | HOPE

Phil Heller
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Vision Sunday 2020

Vision Sunday 2020

Phil Heller
November 22, 2020
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Kingdom Come
As we walk through the final week of Jesus’ life on earth, we see his focus on helping his followers understand their role in the kingdom he is bringing to earth.

Jesus wants his followers to fully comprehend his mission. He also wants them to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate and continue this mission. Jesus has demonstrated what it looks like to live fully surrendered to the work of the Father and to actively join this work. Now, he invites us all to live and love like him so that it truly will be "on earth as it is in Heaven."

Kingdom Come -I Will Always Remember

Ross Langston

Kingdom Come -The Servant King

Phil Heller

Kingdom Come -The Servant King - West Campus

Matt Volkman

Kingdom Come -The Suffering Servant

Phil Heller

Kingdom Come -Jesus Prays for the Church

Ben Stewart

Kingdom Come -Jesus Prays

Andrew Bondurant

Kingdom Come - Lasting and Liberating Joy (West Campus)

Matt Volkman

Kingdom Come - Lasting and Liberating Joy

Phil Heller

Kingdom Come - The Work of the Holy Spirit

Phil Heller

Kingdom Come - You're in Good Company!

Phil Heller

Kingdom Come - The Cost of Connecting

Ross Langston

Kingdom Come - Holy Spirit, Come

Jeremy Lalk

Kingdom Come - The Promise of Heaven and More - West Campus (11th Ave Park)

Ross Geiser, Kelli Ward, Matt Volkman

Kingdom Come - The Promise of Heaven and More

Phil Heller
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The Servant King
All throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus’ teaching and miracles have revealed His identity and His purpose. Both point to the truth that He is the promised king. However, he has not come in the way people expected this king, the Messiah, to come and reign.

As Jesus makes a final trip to Jerusalem, we see His commitment to accomplishing the work of His Heavenly Father on full display. He speaks of dying, even being crucified, and this is a lasting revelation of the ultimate way to live and love like a servant.

Jesus defines and displays what His true identity and mission are by making His way to Jerusalem and offering His life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. In this manner, as a servant, he conquers sin and death as King and He continues to challenge His followers to follow His example.

Fundamental Changes

Eric Cummings, Director of Community One
August 30, 2020

Belief and Betrayal - West Campus

Matt Volkman
August 23, 2020

Belief and Betrayal

Phil Heller
August 23, 2020

A Life of Humble Service - West Campus

Matt Volkman
August 16, 2020

A Life of Humble Service

Phil Heller
August 16, 2020

The Theology of Unbelief

Phil Heller
August 9, 2020

A Different Kind of King

Andrew Bondurant
August 2, 2020

A Gift of Worship

Phil Heller
July 26, 2020
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The Turning Point
In the last two verses of John chapter eight, we saw Jesus make a bold proclamation of his true identity, After his claim to be “I AM,” the eternal God incarnate, the religious leaders become determined to end his life. This brings us to a turning point in the life of Jesus.

From this point forward, we see Jesus continue to reveal his true identity through His teachings and miracles. The religious leaders become more and more hostile towards him, as they look for a way and a time to end his life. They lack faith in his identity and mission, and their spiritual blindness keeps them from embracing Jesus as the promised Messiah.

We all encounter turning points in our lives. We come to a crossroads where we must decide: will we let our disillusionment, fear, guilt, pride or sin keep us from allowing Jesus to complete His work in us, or will we respond in complete faith and trust as Jesus shepherds us, and his life and love work through us?

The Turning Point - The Tension Mounts

Phil Heller

The Turning Point - Jesus Is the Final Word - West Campus

Matt Volkman

The Turning Point - Jesus Is the Final Word - Newburgh Campus

Andrew Bondurant

The Turning Point - Unbelief Exposed

Phil Heller

The Turning Point - The Good Shepherd

Phil Heller

The Turning Point - The Blind will See

Phil Heller
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Jesus Is
In the Book of John, we see Jesus described by the people of his day simply as:
"The Nazarene,"
"the Carpenter,"
and "the Son of Mary and Joseph."

But John records many other descriptions of Jesus, as well.
Jesus is:
"The living Word," present at the dawn of time,
He is not just "A light," but "THE light," that darkness cannot extinguish.
He is a teacher of teachers,
a well of living water,
and the source of salvation for ALL of the people of the world.

Over the next few weeks, we will see that Jesus is
the one who gives victory over death.
He is one with the Father.
He is our provider.
He is... the Great I AM.

Jesus is Freedom

Matt Volkman

Jesus is The Light of the World

Phil Heller

Jesus is Full of Grace

Phil Heller

Jesus is Life Giving

Andrew Bondurant

Jesus is The Only Way

Phil Heller

Jesus Is Enough

Phil Heller

Jesus Is Present

Andrew Bondurant

Jesus Is Provider

Phil Heller

Jesus Is Life

Phil Heller
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An Invitation
At the heart of the Good News is an invitation to be a citizen of God’s kingdom. In the book of John we see that the invitation was hand-delivered by Jesus, the Son of God himself! The invitation is not exclusive—in fact, it is made to anyone and everyone that will accept it. The offer has been made to those that have grown up thinking that their right to enter the kingdom is hereditary, or otherwise earned, and to those that never expected to be invited. To accept this invitation to take part in the kingdom, we need only believe that the herald is truly the heir.

An Invitation - Lord of Sickness and Sabbath

Phil Heller

An Invitation - Authentic Faith

Phil Heller

An Invitation - True Witness

Phil Heller

An Invitation - Jesus Saves

Phil Heller

An Invitation - Everyone, Everywhere

Andrew Bondurant

An Invitation - Pointing to Jesus

Phil Heller

An Invitation - The God Who Loves

Matt Volkman - West Campus

An Invitation - The God Who Loves

Phil Heller
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Enter Jesus
The gospel of John captures narratives and interactions that displayed the lifestyle and heart of Jesus. From the opening, we capture just how important Jesus is in understanding the heart of God and responding to him in relationship. As we discover just how Jesus lived and loved, we can begin to follow his example in our own lives. As we do, we also reflect the heart of God and express his love to the world around us.

Enter Jesus - Born Again

Ross Langston

Enter Jesus - Cleansing the Temple

Phil Heller

Enter Jesus - The First Sign

Phil Heller

Enter Jesus - Come and See

Matt Volkman (West)

Enter Jesus - Come and See

Andrew Bondurant (Newburgh)

Enter Jesus - A Messenger of Hope

Phil Heller

Enter Jesus - The Word Made Flesh

Phil Heller

Enter Jesus - Life in His Name

Jeremy Lalk
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Teaching Night
In 2020 we are hosting four special teaching nights. Each night in 2020 will include in-depth teaching on what it looks like to truly depend on God, as we learn together what it means to Live and Love Like Jesus.

Teaching Night - February 2020

Teaching Night
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What Child Is This?
Every parent chooses the name of their child carefully. The list of possibilities often includes the names of beloved family members and friends. Sometimes, a name is selected because the parents like the way it sounds, or the manner in which it rolls off the tongue. Another criteria used in naming children is the 'trendiness" of the name (the most popular names for baby boys and girls born in the United States over the past year were “Liam” and “Emma,” respectively).

Throughout scripture we see several names ascribed to the Son of God. To a person unfamiliar with the Bible this can be quite confusing. They may ask: “Why so many names?” “What does each name mean?” or even, “What’s in a name?”

In this season, and throughout our lives, we celebrate the birth of Jesus by recognizing the power and significance of each name given Him: Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Jesus!

What Child Is This?; Prince of Peace

Matt Volkman

What Child Is This?; Immanuel

Phil Heller

What Child Is This?; Everlasting Father

Ross Langston

What Child Is This?; Mighty God

Phil Heller

What Child Is This?; Wonderful Counselor

Phil Heller
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The Sermon On The Mount
In Matthew Chapters 5-7, Jesus delivers a speech that launches a world-wide revolution.

As he sits on a mountainside and speaks to the crowd that has gathered, he describes “the #BLESSED life”, but the picture he paints is VERY different from what you would expect the typical revolutionary to paint. To motivate his followers, Jesus encourages them to be “poor” and “meek.” He tells them to show mercy even when (especially when) it is undeserved and then goes on to say that they will suffer persecution and insults, and this suffering should bring them joy; their hardships are actually blessings!

In this, his most famous sermon, Jesus flipped the script on God’s chosen people. For centuries, they’d looked to their PAST for answers in their PRESENT life. Now, Jesus was telling them to look to their FUTURE. He told them that the Law, handed down to them by God, was actually prophetic. It pointed to a future that HE was bringing to pass. He told them their true value was to be found in living a life pleasing to God—and by pursuing this life, they would fulfill every aspect and intent of the Law. Jesus promised the suffering they were enduring here on Earth would prove to be insignificant compared to their future with Him.

God’s intent from day one has been for us to live a blessed life. Since the fall of man, our world has presented many false images or imitations of this life. When Jesus came to Earth, he painted a picture of what this life truly looks like and then, as a benediction to his sermon, he went on to live a TRULY blessed life, as an example for us to follow.

The Sermon On The Mount: Vision

Phil Heller, Jeremy Lalk, Bill Altman, Andrew Bondurant

The Sermon On The Mount: Pursuit

Phil Heller - Lead Pastor

The Sermon On The Mount: Do Not Judge

Andrew Bondurant - Family Ministries Pastor

The Sermon On The Mount: Seek God's Global Kingdom

Jay Greer - Mustard Seed Network

The Sermon On The Mount: Seek God's Global Kingdom

Jay Greer - Mustard Seed Network

The Sermon On The Mount: Motivation

Phil Heller

The Sermon On The Mount: Radical Love

Andrew Bondurant

The Sermon On The Mount: Freely Limited

Ross Langston

The Sermon On The Mount: Purity

Phil Heller

The Sermon On The Mount: Reconciliation

Phil Heller

The Sermon On The Mount: Righteousness

Phil Heller

The Sermon On The Mount: Flourishing

Phil Heller
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Let's Do This
Life is not meant to be lived passively. A life well-lived has power and purpose. As CHRIST-FOLLOWERS, we’ve been saved from stagnation and called for a purpose greater than ourselves.

As THE CHURCH, we gather, and we gain strength.
As we scatter, we share the Love of God with the world around us. The church is not a building but a PEOPLE... confident in Christ, and UNITED with one mission: to continue the good work that He began.

NOW is the time for us to say, “LET’S DO THIS!”

Let's Do This: Week 5; Sent

Phil Heller

Let's Do This: Week 4; Scattered

Ross Chapman

Let's Do This: Week 3; Gathered (Collectively Called)

Ross Langston

Let's Do This: Week 2; Called

Phil Heller

Let's Do This: Week 1; Saved

Andrew Bondurant
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The Book of Jonah includes much more than the simple Sunday school story of “Jonah and the Big Fish”…

This book highlights God’s sovereignty and mercy. It shows his love for all of mankind—those that follow Him, and those that have chosen to go the opposite direction. This “simple child’s story” foreshadows the manner in which Jesus proved his identity as God’s son and brought the means for salvation to the world. This historical account of the prophet Jonah, who lived seven centuries before the birth of Christ, is full of rich application for the life of a 21st century believer.

We can see that there is a little bit of Jonah in every one of us; we’ve all been given a mission from God, and at times we have all had our own reasons for shying away from boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to a world that desperately needs this message.

It has been said that there are glimpses of the Gospel Message in every book of the Bible. This is definitely proven true in the Book of Jonah, the prophet.

Jonah: Week 4; Our Reaction to God's Call

Phil Heller

Jonah: Week 3; Our Reaction to God's Grace

Phil Heller

Jonah: Week 2; Our Relationship With God's World

Phil Heller

Jonah: Week 1; Our Relationship With God's Word

Phil Heller
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By Design
None of us are here by accident. Our creator, God has uniquely designed each and every one of us. We have specific gifts, talents and abilities that God has given to us to reflect his goodness and glory. Join us in this 6 week series as we discover how His Church, our relationships, our work and prayer were all created By Design.

By Design: Week 6; God's Design for Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

Greg Pruett

By Design: Week 5; God's Design for Work

Ross Chapman

By Design: Week 4; God's Design for the Family

Phil Heller

By Design: Week 3; God's Design for Marriage

Mark Silen

By Design: Week 2; God's Design for People (What Are You Wearing?)

Ross Langston

By Design: Week 1; God's Design for the Church

Andrew Bondurant
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Jesus People

Jesus People: People of Prayer

Ross Langston

Jesus People: People of Unity

Andrew Bondurant

Jesus People: People on Mission

Brandon Watts

Jesus People: People of Worship

Phil Heller

Jesus People: People of Hope

Andrew Bondurant
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Easter Service

Easter Service

Andrew Bondurant
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21 Days Of Prayer

21 Days Of Prayer - Week 3

Ross Langston

21 Days Of Prayer - Week 2

Denny Stevenson

21 Days Of Prayer - Week 1

Bill Altman
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ACTS - Accomplished Through Us

Acts - Accomplished Through Us: Week 5

Andrew Bondurant

Acts - Accomplished Through Us: Week 4

Ross Langston

ACTS - Accomplished Through Us: Week 3

Ross Langston

ACTS - Accomplished Through Us: Week 2

Bill Altman

ACTS - Accomplished Through Us: Week 1

Andrew Bondurant
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Asking For A Friend

Asking For A Friend: Week 2

Panel Discussion

Asking For A Friend: Week 1

Tim Maxson
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Luke - Accomplished Among Us

Luke; Accomplished Among Us; Week 6

Andrew Bondurant

Luke: Accomplished Among Us; Week 5

Manny Arango

Luke: Accomplished Among Us; Week 4

Andrew Bondurant

Luke: Accomplished Among Us; Week 3

Ross Langston

Luke: Accomplished Among Us; Week 2

Andrew Bondurant

Luke : Accomplished Among Us; Week 1

Jacob Stewart
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A Son Is Given

A Son Is Given: Jesus

Ross Langston

A Son Is Given: Bathsheba and David

Ross Langston

A Son Is Given: Ruth

Bill Altman

A Son Is Given: Abraham

Ross Langston
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Entrusted: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:8

Andrew Bondurant

Entrusted; 2 Timothy 2:14-26

Andrew Bondurant

Entrusted: 2 Timothy 2:1-13

Ross Langston

Entrusted: 2 Timothy 1:6-8

Ken Idleman
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Go & Be

Go and Be; Know and Trust

Mark Silen

Go and Be: Salt and Light

Ross Langston
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The Story of God and Us

The Story of God and Us; Celebration

Andrew Bondurant

The Story of God and Us; Communion

Andy Teare

The Story of God and Us: Rescue

Ross Langston

The Story of God and Us: Rebellion

Bill Altman

The Story of God and Us: Creation

Andrew Bondurant
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Committed To Jesus

Committed To Jesus: Focus On God

Brian Gower