Good News for the Faithful and Forgotten

Phil Heller

The story of Zechariah is of a priest that remained faithful to God throughout a long life of service, but had yet to have his personal desires met. Zechariah's wife, Elizabeth, was barren and now that they had grown old their hopes for a child were gone. But, God interrupted Zechariah's life with Good News! He and Elizabeth were going to have a son!

Sometimes, our life can feel like that of Zechariah's--we can remain faithful to God for years while waiting for a personal, heartfelt desire to be met. But Zechariah's story reminds us to continue living in God's grace and understand that He is taking care of us as a loving father... we may not know why our prayers seem to be unanswered, or why God's taking so long to respond, but we must remain faithful and ready to accept His answer.

Good News for the World

Andrew Bondurant

Good News for the Expectant

Phil Heller

Good News for the Overlooked

Phil Heller

Good News for the Submitted

Andy Teare

Good News for the Faithful and Forgotten

Phil Heller